Back to Basics: Simple Diet Tips & Tricks - Premio Foods

Back to Basics: Simple Diet Tips & Tricks

Back to Basics: Simple Diet Tips & Tricks

Are you hoping to lead a healthier lifestyle and lose some weight? When it comes to weight loss and diets, we hear so many claims, quick fixes and fads focused on short-term solutions to dropping pounds and looking fantastic — but the truth is, these fad diets and miracle products don’t do us any favors, and if they do cause weight loss, it’s not sustainable and certainly not healthy.

Losing weight and dieting the right way are long-term processes that start with making an effort and incorporating healthier choices into your lifestyle. When you make small changes over time and stick with them, you won’t just lose weight — you’ll also live a healthier, happier life.

Looking for some tips and tricks on eating a more nutritious diet and making healthy choices for weight loss and better health? These tried-and-true simple diet tips are easy to incorporate into your daily life, and they’ll make a big difference. Here’s what to do to jumpstart your healthy lifestyle.

Portion Control

Whether it’s meal or snack time, it’s important to be aware of not only what you’re eating but also how much. In America, we’re accustomed to overly large portion sizes to satisfy our hunger, so we don’t always realize that we don’t need as much as we think to fill our stomachs.

Because over-eating is one of the leading causes of obesity, it’s important to check yourself when it’s time to eat. If you’re having packaged or frozen food, look up the serving size on the nutrition label. If you’re cooking for yourself, remember that your clenched fist is about the size of a cup, which is the size you should choose for your single servings of meat, grain, fruits and vegetables.

Fill up on Fruits and Veggies

Fruit and vegetables may not be at the top of everyone’s favorite or frequent foods list — and that’s the problem. The nutrients and benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables are essential to a natural, healthy diet and lifestyle, and increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables will help you stay fuller, feel more satisfied and lose weight more easily. You should have two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables daily.

Ditch the Junk Food

Just like it’s important to eat more fruits and vegetables to stay healthy, it’s crucial to cut back on unhealthy foods with high levels of fat, sodium, preservatives, added sugars and other chemicals and fillers. If you’re a big lover of junk food, decrease your intake slowly, but ultimately, it’s best to completely eliminate fast food, candy, cookies, packaged snacks and processed foods from your diet.

Switch to Lean Meats

Everyone loves protein, but did you know too much red meat can be bad for your cholesterol and heart? Instead of burgers and beef, try turning to lean meats like seafood, turkey and chicken, which can be just as delicious! Healthy can be hearty and flavorful too with lean meat options like Premio’s Italian Chicken Sausage, made with premium meat, delectable flavoring and 60 percent less fat than USDA data for pork and beef sausage.

If you’re looking for healthy chicken sausage recipes and the best chicken sausage options to make your lean meat switch as tasty as possible, pick Premio sausage. You can find all the best ingredients by locating one of our stores near you. Here’s to your healthy habits!

2 responses to “Back to Basics: Simple Diet Tips & Tricks”

  1. Capitol District, New York State
    Does Premio make TURKEY Sausage? When one clicks on the link for turkey sausage, one is directed to “Chicken Sausage”, (amongst other non-turkey options). Thank you.

    • Hi Mark, thank you for your inquiry about our Turkey Sausage products. At this time, Turkey Sausage is not currently in distribution, but our chicken or breakfast sausages make for great recipe substitutions!